On April 15, 2024, www.mipedscompounds.org will be retired.
The formulations on this website were reviewed before the 2022 revisions to USP <795>. Beyond-use dates (BUDs) listed in these formulations do not consider revised USP <795> BUD requirements for method suitability level stability testing and antimicrobial effectiveness testing (USP <51>). Unless end users independently review formulation references, changing the formulation default BUDs is recommended not to exceed the current allowable default BUDs in the current USP <795> (2022).
Individuals can also utilize USP monographs and chapter <795> standards for compounded oral liquids and the ASHP Standardize 4 Safety initiative website for standard concentrations and formulations of oral compounds: https://www.ashp.org/pharmacy-practice/standardize-4-safety-initiative?loginreturnUrl=SSOCheckOnly.