
On April 15, 2024, www.mipedscompounds.org will be retired.

The formulations on this website were reviewed before the 2022 revisions to USP <795>. Beyond-use dates (BUDs) listed in these formulations do not consider revised USP <795> BUD requirements for method suitability level stability testing and antimicrobial effectiveness testing (USP <51>). Unless end users independently review formulation references, changing the formulation default BUDs is recommended not to exceed the current allowable default BUDs in the current USP <795> (2022).

Individuals can also utilize USP monographs and chapter <795> standards for compounded oral liquids and the ASHP Standardize 4 Safety initiative website for standard concentrations and formulations of oral compounds: https://www.ashp.org/pharmacy-practice/standardize-4-safety-initiative?loginreturnUrl=SSOCheckOnly.

This research project received financial support from the FDA Safe Use Initiative through the "Novel Interventions and Collaborations to Improve the Safe Use of Medications" grant program. The goal of the Safe Use Initiative is to reduce preventable harm by identifying specific, preventable medication risks and developing, implementing and evaluating cross-sector interventions with partners who are committed to safe medication use. If you would like more information about the Safe Use Initiative, please visit the website at http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/SafeUseInitiative. The project has also been judged to be exempt by the University of Michigan Institutional Review Board (IRBMED).